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Mandibula - Sacrificial Metal of Death

Albums|Artists » Inactive or Past Artists » Mandibula|Releases » Ethereal Sound Works|Releases » Caverna Abismal Records

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  • Mandibula - Sacrificial Metal of Death
    Mandibula - Sacrificial Metal of Death
CD | ESW.CDA.029 | Total time: xx:xx | Release on September 22, 2012 | 9 audio tracks + 12 pages booklet with lyrics

Debut album of Mandibula.
"(...) The project is recent, despite my willingness to undertake this type of sound has to go back much further. I always liked that more obscure trend from Metal of 80's, as CelticFrost/Hellhammer, Bathory, German Thrash as Sodom, Destruction, Kreator, Necronomicon and also the former old-Brazilian stuff as Mutilator, Sarcófago, Holocausto or Vulcano. The old Punk also had a big impact, especially Amebix and Discharge. Music that above all was good, incisive and inspiring. It was natural to have followed a path that brought together all those influences, gaining, from my point of view, a certain character of tribute. (...)” Mandibula in Escritas do Subsolo #4
  1. Intro
  2. Cães da Guerra
  3. Negros Cascos sobre o Trono da Terra
  4. Flagelação
  5. O Carrasco
  6. Rios de Sangue
  7. Arauto da Dor
  8. Coroa Negra dos Infernos
  9. Orgia no Necrotério


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