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Down River Nation - Pulse

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  • Down River Nation - Pulse
    Down River Nation - Pulse

CD | ESW.CHS.003 | Total Time: 37:25 | Released in 1999 | 9 audio tracks + 12 pages booklet with lyrics

Down River Nation is a 1999 project from Shaun Atkins (The Whores of Babylon and Soundisciples), Gizz Butt (Prodigy, English Dogs and Janus Stark) and Pinch (English Dogs and Janus Stark). First release by Chaosphere Recordings.



  1. Delete It [3:11]
  2. Unity / Reaction [4:23]
  3. Destination Unexplained [5:37]
  4. Deter the Nation [3:22]
  5. Somedaze [5:05]
  6. Man Bites Dog [4:10]
  7. Cage Within a Cage [4:09]
  8. Jaded [3:52]
  9. Don't Pick Up the Phone [3:36]