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Panchrysia - In Obscure Depths

Albums|50% off|Releases » Shiver Records

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  • Panchrysia - In Obscure Depths
    Panchrysia - In Obscure Depths

CD | ESW.LSP.011 | Total time: 42:19 | Released in 2002 | 8 audio tracks + 8 pages booklet with lyrics

First album of the belgian band Panchrysia.



  1. Origin of Existence - Creation of A Mortal Spirit
  2. Spiritual Gain - Bloom Up to the Sun
  3. The Watcher - A Superior Walk
  4. Ruins
  5. The Winter Chill
  6. De Profundis Clamavi
  7. Farewell - A Death's Tale
  8. Darkness Souls - The Search Will Cease