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Pagan Reign - Ancient Warriors

Albums|50% off|Releases » Soundage Productions

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  • Pagan Reign - Ancient Warriors
    Pagan Reign - Ancient Warriors

CD | ESW.SAP.046 | Total time: 51:21 | Released in 2004 (remastered version) | 9 audio tracks + 8 pages booklet with lyrics

Remastered version of the first album of Pagan Reign from Russia.



  1. Prolog
  2. Dawn
  3. And God Will Crucifyte...
  4. Ancient Warriors
  5. Sign of the Perun
  6. Warrior Sword
  7. Fire of Slavonion Hearts
  8. Death - Gift of the Gods
  9. Pagan Reign
  10. Epilog



Pagan Reign's Official Homepage at Iced Tears